Hong Kong Securities And Futures Commission Convenes Inaugural Virtual Asset Consultative Panel Meeting
The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) today convened the inaugural meeting of the Virtual Asset Consultative Panel (VACP) for licensed virtual asset trading platforms (VATP).
The VACP, which is chaired by the SFC’s Executive Director of Intermediaries Dr Eric Yip and comprises all licensed VATPs represented by members of their senior management, will provide invaluable contribution to the SFC’s formulation of regulatory policy to further facilitate the development of a sustainable and resilient virtual asset ecosystem. Through collaboration with its members, the VACP will identify the policy priorities, paving way for market and regulatory developments backed by investor safeguards.
“The VACP is part of the SFC’s proactive engagement with SFC-licensed VATPs. It enhances sustainable growth in the virtual asset ecosystem, and helps set priorities for market development”, said Dr Yip.
“The SFC looks forward to close collaboration with the members to encourage and develop innovation while ensuring adherence to regulatory standards in this rapidly changing landscape”, he added.