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ACER - Bridge Beyond 2025: Current And Future Challenges In The Gas Sector And Related Recommendations, With A View To Sector Coupling

20 November 2019 (14.00 – 17.00)
Breydel Auditorium, Avenue d'Auderghem 45, 1000 Brussels (map)

The European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators and the Council of European Energy Regulators invite you to the presentation of the Bridge Beyond 2025: an ACER Recommendation and joint ACER-CEER paper.

This summer, after the entry into force of the Clean Energy Package, the Agency ran a public consultation to gather stakeholders’ views regarding a number of identified key challenges in the European energy sector. The consultation focused in particular on issues in the gas sector and outside the scope of the Clean Energy Package – looking beyond 2025 and at the actions that will need to be taken to address them. CEER also ran a public consultation on regulatory challenges for a sustainable gas sector in the spring of this year, the results of which contribute to the joint paper. These considerations should be seen in the context of the decarbonisation of the energy sector, leading to reductions in the use of unabated natural gas (and other fossil fuels), but with substantial uncertainty over the pathway to these reductions. The Agency is now ready to issue its recommendations to the European Institutions on actions and possible future legislative proposals, also taking into account the stakeholder feedback received during the public consultation. The European Institutions have been invited to provide their first reactions to the Agency’s Recommendation at the event.  

By way of background: in 2014, the Agency, ahead of the development of the Clean Energy Package, adopted a Recommendation as well as an accompanying paper in cooperation with CEER at an event titled ‘A Bridge to 2025’.

You are invited to learn more about the Agency’s Recommendation and the views of European Energy Regulators. Please register here, where the agenda will be available shortly.    

Note: in the morning of the same day, ACER and CEER present the annual Market Monitoring Report, providing an overview of key data and developments in the state of internal electricity and natural gas markets. For more information, and to register for this event, please click here.


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